

In the early 1860s the first school in Moorooduc was housed in the small wooden Presbyterian Church on the Moorooduc Highway . The school was sponsored by local people and provided for the spiritual welfare and education of the children of the early Moorooduc settlers, mainly farmers and woodcutters. The Board of Education granted aid to the school in 1866 and it became known as Common School No. 825.

In 1873, the Education Department was established and the committee wrote to the Department to ask that the school be made a State School under the Education Act, 1872.

In 1874 the Department applied for the current site and, after many setbacks the commencement of the building of the Moorooduc School commenced in mid-March 1880. The school was completed on 27 th October 1880 and State School No. 2327 Moorooduc was opened in the new building on Monday, 1st November, 1880.

At the same time Common School No. 825 was struck off the records. George Beattie had been Head Teacher of Common School No. 825 from 1877-1880 and then became the first Head Teacher of the Moorooduc School and continued until 1892.

Obviously a great deal has happened since that time. As Leslie Moorehead describes our school:

It has the advantages of modern education and, in addition, has the unique advantages of specialized, personal attention, the individual attention which is distinctive of the country school. Congratulations, Moorooduc PS, on remaining true to your values over a significant number of years – may it continue long into the future

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